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Carolyn has written a variety of books, both fiction and nonfiction as well as scripts for community theatre. For many years she wrote a column for The United Church Observer, and a blog for The Broadview magazines. She continues to contribute to anthologies, writes occasional articles and responds to individual publisher’s requests. Carolyn mentors writers and teaches writing workshops through the Alexandra Writers’ Centre in Calgary, Alberta. Currently, Carolyn is collaborating on a readers’ theatre piece, The Patriarchy: On Trial.




Available Titles


Rock of Ages: A Cosmic Love StoryRock of Ages

Rock of Ages brings to life stories of Earth’s origins and spins together geology, ecology, mythology and cosmology as an integrative narrative.

ISBN 978-0-9733284-2-4

Available as an ebook:




After the Beginning

afterbeginningAfter the Beginning
opens with the Divine Family (God, Goddess, and all the angels) celebrating the completion of the universe – sun, moons, and eight perfect planets, with no mistakes at all. But when Little Angel suggests that there could be one more planet, one where “things aren’t the same all the time,” things begin to unravel… In this enchanting tale, the sacredness of Earth, the ecological crisis, and children’s leadership are connected in a way that will inspire children and adults alike. Margaret Kyle’s vibrant illustrations create a sense of awe that will move and delight readers of all ages. 


8.5 x 11 hard cover
32 pages

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Baby You

Baby YouBaby You tells the story of how you grew from a teeny, tiny seed and a teeny, tiny egg to become a wonderful, miraculous baby. It is a reminder, too, that from the very beginning, you have been watched over with love and tenderness.

Illustrations by Monique Nind


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Letters to Mira: words to a young woman, her brother and sister on the loss of their mother

Letter to MiraTouching and tender, sometimes surprising and always real, these letters to a young woman on the death of her mother add to the important conversations about death and love.

9 x 6 inches, paperback, 88 pages, 17 colour photos, EDITED by Carolyn Pogue
Price: $10.00 plus shipping

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Seasons of Peace & Remember Peace

Seasons of PeaceRemember Peace

Seasons of Peace and Remember Peace provide support and lesson plans for teachers and youth leaders.

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Free Downloads


A New Day
Peacemaking Stories and Activities

A New Day coverThese tales of peacemaking recall the atmosphere of ancient fables, yet include an urgency that today’s children respond to. Each story is followed by a wide variety of activities that leaders can choose to expand the themes of the stories — from crossword puzzles to solar powered ovens and peace flags.

Illustrated by Danka Gocova

ISBN 1-55134-139-5

Peace—Study and Teaching/Children and Peace

Click here to download a free copy to read online, print, or download to your computer or device (PDF)


Sorry. Why Our Church Apologized.


In 1986 the United Church of Canada issued the first Apology to Indigenous, Inuit and Métis peoples.
This was the first acknowledgement in Canada that Canadian schools had been teaching a history that was not true. In 1998, The United Church issued an Apology to Former Students of United Church Indian Residential Schools, and to their Families and Communities.
Ages 10 to adult. Written by Rev Maggie McLeod, Elder Very Rev Stan McKay,Very Rev Bill Phipps and Carolyn Pogue

Aboriginal Issues, History
5.5 x 8.5 inches, Paperback, 28 pages
ISBN 978-1-77064-803-6, Price $9.95


Contact the author for a free download (PDF)





Early Titles

Colour Peace

Colour Peace


Language of the Heart

Part Time Parent

West Wind

Creation Story

Dark Times

Treasury of Celebrations

World Faith




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